Steady Sunday

After giving up alcohol during my third year of college, I set out to create a modern, accessible community for sober and sober-curious young adults. What started as a small blog has blossomed into a thriving community.


  • Extensively created both written and video content to build community

  • Established branding including colors, typography, and photography

  • Developed membership-based platform

  • Launched 3 recurring virtual meetings per week, plus additional webinars, workshops, and virtual events

  • Leads and facilities community meetings and discussions

  • Creates engaging, original content for Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube

  • Produces weekly newsletter for 600+ subscribers

  • Actively engages with community across social media and Geneva group chat

  • Spearheads website design and maintenance, ensuring a user-friendly interface and seamless digital experience

Steady Sunday is changing the lives of more than 100 active members (and 500+ sign-ups) across 7 countries.

One member shares, “Steady Sunday is truly life changing. Having a safe space to decompress heavy topics and speak with like minded people is so valuable. The community has helped me go from feeling completely alone in my struggles with alcohol and life to knowing that there are people who have my back.”

Check us out.