5 Mindset Shifts that Will Change Your Life
Hey there! We are going to keep this introduction short and sweet because I am really excited to talk about these5 mindset shifts that will change your life. Now, you may be thinking, "What the heck is a mindset shift?", so let's answer that question first.
Your mindset is the established set of attitudes that you hold in your everyday life. A shift is a slight change in position, direction, or tendency. Therefore, a mindset shift is a slight change in the set of attitudes that you hold in your everyday life.
Now, I'm sure you've heard the quotes, "Mindset is everything" or "What you believe becomes your reality" and many more like these. At the end of the day, what these quotes are trying to say is that the way you think about things and view the world effects every single aspect of your life whether you know it or not. We can change our lives just by choosing to view the world in one way over another. This will make more sense with the examples listed below.
Of course, there are many other mindset shifts you can work towards incorporating into your own life, but these are the 5 mindset shifts that have helped me the most.
Read on to discover 5 mindset shifts that will change your life.
1. Shift from a 'scarcity mindset' to an 'abundance mindset.'
I never knew that the way I was viewing the world had a name until I was listening to a podcast episode and heard the words "scarcity mindset". I listened in shock as the host read from a list of common scarcity mindset examples.
A scarcity mindset, as defined by jessicadw.com, is the belief that there will never be enough, resulting in feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. People with scarcity mindsets believe that the world is a "finite pie", meaning if one person takes a big piece, there is less for everyone else. The goal here is to shift your mindset to an "abundance mindset" which is the belief that there is plenty out there for everyone.
credit: @morganrapp on Instagram
I used to look at other people succeeding and feel discouraged. To me, one more person succeeding meant there was a less likely chance of my own success. After learning about this mindset shift, I can now cheer people on for the things they achieve without feeling like they are preventing my own growth.
2. Shift from the belief that 'the universe is working AGAINST you' to 'the universe is working FOR you.'
In this mindset shift, 'The Universe" can be interchanged with whatever you choose to believe in whether that is God, a higher power, a supreme being or deity, etc.
By accepting this new mindset, I have been able to slowly overcome my constant tendency to compare myself to others. It's important to remember that The Universe has a plan for all of us. If things in your life aren't happening the way you expect them to, try letting go of what you think your life should look like. Take relief in knowing that your life is working out exactly the way it's supposed to.
It can be easy to fall victim to the belief that the world is against you, but just remember: The Universe will not throw anything at you that it doesn't think you can handle. You will come out of every battle you face stronger and with more wisdom. It is pointless to compare your path of life to someone else's. Your life is a gift and it is yours for a reason.
3. Shift your mindset from 'nervous' to 'excited'.
Did you know that when you are nervous, your body reacts in the same way as if you were excited? Your heart beats faster, you get stomach butterflies, your cortisol increases, etc. The only difference between the two is how we choose to view the emotion.
Since I've gotten sober, I've had to do a lot more things that make me nervous including public speaking over Zoom, getting interviewed for podcasts, posting things that people may not agree with, etc. AND on top of the fact that I am doing more things that make me nervous, I also don't have alcohol around anymore to calm my nerves (I used to take shots before class presentations and first dates...).
Over the past few months, whenever I start to feel nervous, I shift my mindset and try to view it as excitement. By shifting the focus away from a negative emotion (nervousness) to a positive emotion (excitement), it has become easier for me to do things that make me uncomfortable.
Whenever those nervous feelings start to bubble up inside of you before a big event, meeting, or first date, I encourage you to think, "I am excited about this opportunity for growth." After all, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is how we grow the most.
4. Shift from 'worrying about tomorrow' to 'focusing on the present day.'
Wow. Even as I am typing this blog post, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed thinking about the various things I have to get done tomorrow. How silly is that? I'm worrying about something that isn't even here yet...
All we have is today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. I know this sounds cliché, but it's true. If we spend too much time worrying about tomorrow, we are missing out on the present day. I know you've likely heard the quote, "Live each day like it's your last". Well, how awful would it be to have our last day in earth spent worrying about the future?
This video by Cambria Joy was what truly changed my mindset on this. In her video, she says, "If we're not content today, we're not going to be content tomorrow." If we live with the mindset that we are never doing enough, we will never be content. Do your best each day and go to bed happy knowing that you did all you could.
5. Shift from "once I achieve this, then I'll be happy" to "I'm enjoying the journey".
This is the biggest lesson I learned from the Disney movie, Soul. In the movie, the main character is working hard to achieve his dream of become a jazz player. He neglects other areas in his life (friends, family) because he has tunnel vision for the dream life he wants to live. When he finally gets the opportunity to perform with a famous jazz musician, his dreams have essentially been fulfilled, but he still feels empty.
We see this same thing happening often in various areas of our life. We think, "Once I have this body, then I'll be happy" or "Once I land this job, then I'll be happy", only to reach those achievements and remain unfulfilled.
You may have a vision in your head of your "ideal life". I know I do. But that doesn't mean you can only be happy once you achieve everything you want to achieve and become your "ideal self". If we aren't enjoying the journey of getting to where we want to be, we are missing out life itself. Instead of focusing on all you have yet to achieve, shift your mindset to focusing on the growth and progress you've already made. Enjoy the journey from where you are to where you're going.
Other Resources
I wanted to include links to other resources where you can read more about these mindset shifts that will change your life in case any of them particularly resonated with you. Enjoy...
Psychology Today: The Scarcity Mindset
Jessica DW: How to Shift From a Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset
Mood with Lauren Elizabeth's Podcast Episode: How I'm Changing my Mindset
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero (this is an amazing book)
The Universe has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein (I haven't read this one yet but I've heard great things!)
Manifest with Tori DeSimone Podcast Epidsode: Learning to Trust the Universe's Plan-Why Comparison Gets You Nowhere (loved this episode)
Cambria Joy: DAY IN THE LIFE | Healthy Habits I Do EVERYDAY + At Home Workout + Healthy Cooking Video (skip to 11:20 for a talk on focusing on TODAY)
And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading about these 5 mindset shifts that will change you life. I truly hope they change yours. xoxo